Can’t be beat! We have owned Strider bikes for nearly 7 years. The original is still going strong, with a few minor repairs. My children have never used training wheels, and have gained so much confidence.
Can’t be beat! We have owned Strider bikes for nearly 7 years. The original is still going strong, with a few minor repairs. My children have never used training wheels, and have gained so much confidence.
One year old loves it! Bought for our daughters first birthday, with the Strider! She absolutely loves it! The rocking base helps her to get on/off on her own and keeps the Strider sturdy so she can use it now as well as later on!
Amazing Bikes! I have taught a lot of kids how to ride bikes. I bought two Strider 12 Sport bikes for my almost 3 year old twin grandsons. They took off like crazy kids. A year later they are pros and this is still their favorite activity! We are on our second set of wheels and our 10th pair of shoes!
Missed out on training wheels! We transitioned from a 12-inch Strider to a 14x when he was 3yrs old. On his 4th birthday we wrapped up the pedals as a gift and put them on the same day. He hopped on the bike and pedaled away . . .first try. No help from me. I feel like I kinda missed out on the thrill of the struggle. Ha! Putting the pedals on with one bolt was so easy the four- year-old could have almost done that by himself too!
No. The Strider 12 Balance Bike models are designed to work with the youngest riders and to teach them the basic skills needed to ride a bike: Balance, coordination, leaning and turning.
The low center of gravity (which is required for toddlers) does not have the clearance for a pedal crank.
No. Training wheels offer a false sense of security and do not teach balance.
When a child starts on a Strider 12 Balance Bike, their feet touch the ground, and they can gradually pull them up as they’re mastering balance.
The main difference between the 12 Sport and 12 Pro models is the material the bikes are made with.
The 12 Sport is made of steel while the 12 Pro is lightweight aluminum, which leads to the Pro weighing less.
The difference is 1000% for the rider! A lighter bike leads to a kiddo being more tempted to pick it up on their own. While it’s only a 1-pound difference to grown-ups, every extra pound makes it more difficult for a small child to carry or maneuver. We want all a kiddo’s effort to focus on learning to ride, not lugging around a heavy bike.
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